Sunday, January 17, 2010

Kissing second hand

Well it has been a while since I have posted anything. Obviously I am not very good at keeping up with the whole blogging thing.

Today in church the speaker was talking about the spirit and how to keep it in our lives. He had a great analogy. He asked a couple on the front row if the guy would be okay with another guy kissing his girlfriend and telling him what it was like secondhand. The guy obviously shook his head and said he would not like that. He compared that to us getting the spirit secondhand. You miss out if you do that! If you are not attending church meetings and going places where you can feel the spirit and receive the guidance you need then it is like getting the spirit secondhand. You miss out on the most important parts and if you ask someone else you are only getting their personal experience of it not what Heavenly Father would want you to get out of it. I really liked this. It put a new twist on attending church meetings and other church functions. I go to them like I am supposed to every week, but I know that I can do better at paying attention and listening for the spirit while I am there. Today was just an amazing day I learned so much from all the church meetings I attended. I challenge everyone that reads this not to feel the spirit second hand but to get out there and feel and learn from it yourself!

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