Monday, February 7, 2011


I was challenged in my awesome friends blog to make a list of 15 random things about me. How could I not take a challenge to make a list and have an excuse to procrastinate homework? So here is my list of me!

1. I dream almost everynight and can remember all or part of my dream. I have had a dream in cartoon but never black and white.

2. I love it when guys speak in portuguese or spanish around me. They move up quickly on the hot scale when they speak one of these to languages.

3. When I cook I love to listen to latin music and dance around the kitchen.

4. I don't get mad easily...there are only a few times in my life that I can remember where I have been truly mad.

5. I am a very closed person. I do not share things about myself with others unless I trust them and they ask me directly.

6. I would rather just sit and talk, joke, and play games than go and do something planned and extravagant with my friends.

7. One of my bucket list items is to make out in the library before I graduate college, because I think it would be a better alternative to doing homework in the library.

8. I like trying new things and pushing myself to do things I don't think I can. My newest adventure is to run a half marathon. I HATE running.

9. I have a hard time making small decisions but important life changing decisions are easy.

10. I love the favorite is a night sky full of stars.

11. I love pillows and sleep with 4 each night.

12. I talk in my sleep. I wake myself up talking often.

13. I love to take pictures but have not for a long time.

14. I love being spontaneous. (this is probably due to #9 then I don't have to make decisions of what to do)

15. The way to my heart is through laughter and music.

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