Sunday, July 12, 2009


Lately I have been thinking a lot about change and reflecting on the changes big and small that have happened in my life. I have discovered that the most significant change takes place over time. As I look back on the person I was when I came to BYU-Idaho...I am so grateful for change and that I have developed into the person I have. Not that I was a horrible person then but I have definitely grown and matured in many ways. As I was reading a talk by President Monson, Finding Joy in the Journey, I reflected back on all the different people that have helped me become the person I am. I am so blessed to have come in contact with the people I have. So many people have touched my life in many ways and have helped me along my journey. I do not tell those around me enough how I feel about them, I just assume they know that I care for and love them. To any of my friends who might read this I LOVE YOU!! :) I am so grateful for all that you have done for me!

In one of my classes last week we started talking about the little things in life and how most people forget to appreciate all the small things and take them for granted. Since that discussion I have tried to take notice of the small things in my life.
Here is the list I have come up with since then:
1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ
2. Thunder/lightning storms
3. Rain
4. Stars
5. Smiling faces
6. Making people laugh
7. Brushing my teeth
8. Air conditioning
9. Music
10. Hearing new music
11. Animals
12. Working hard
13. Accomplising goals (big or small)
14. Having finger nails (I finally stopped biting mine!)
15. Having family/friends close by
16. Outdoors
17. Sunsets
18. Playing card/board games with friends and family
19. Serving those around me
20. Racquetball
21. Working out
22. Going on walks
23. Cell phones (being able to call family/friends anytime and knowing someone who cares about me will pick up)
24. Children
25. Playing in water
26. Drinking ice cold water
27. Otter pops
28. Being able to cook good food
29. People who lift me up rather than pull me down
30. Learning new things
31. Laughing
32. Driving
33. The country I live in
34. Learning from the examples of those around me
35. Knowing that my Heavenly Father has a plan for me and LOVES me!
36. Change and the learning and growing that comes with it
37. Sitting and talking with family and friends
38. Children's books
39. Reading
40. Movies
I should stop, even though I could keep going. I am grateful for so many little and big things in my life. I am going to try and not take things for granted like I have in the past. I hope that anyone who reads this is inspired to do the same and reflect on thier life, and tell those that have touched their life that they appreciate them and love them. Also that we try not to take the little daily things for granted in our lives.

"Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomorrows." --President Thomas S. Monson

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