It is almost springtime! That means warm weather, green grass, spring flowers, Chacos :D, and people falling in love. What is it about springtime that makes people all mushy on the inside? I don't understand it. As I have contemplated the mysteries of springtime and love I have discovered maybe you have to believe in love in order to fall in love. Yeah I know sounds harsh right? What kind of girl doesn't believe in love. Well it's not that I don't believe in it I just don't think I know what it is. Some fall in love almost immediately others take their time. I wonder if most are not just infatuated with one another and have enough stubbornness and gumption to make it work out in the end. I think that is my problem I am not a girl that crushes on guys. I do not get infatuated with people. I am also not one of those girls that longs to be married. I say it will happen when it happens. Although recently I have had an experience or two that have changed my mind. Like sometimes I just wish I could walk around my apartment in whatever I want or lack there of but unfortunately due to roommates being scarred for life I choose not too. I have also learned that living with just one guy has got to be easier than living with 5 girls. I love my roommates I have awesome girls to live with but sometimes too much estorgen in one place is a lot to handle..that and sometimes girls just freak me out. I will not go into detail but trust me sometimes some stuff is just better not written down to remember forever. After today I have a glimpse at that springtime love bug. I have not been bitten yet but at least now I realize that the bug is in the same room with me. That's a start right? This has been your update into the goings on of Jess.

P.S. I still think that the best part of springtime by far is wearing my Chacos!!! That picture is of me this coming summer...yeah that's right!