I found another picture of Autumn! :)
I have decided Heavenly Father has a sense of humor, which appreciate!
I am now currently a student at ISU. I came to ISU thinking that my first semester I would be a hermit and only work on homework to get my 4.0 that I really really want. Hopefully I can still get the good grades but Heavenly Father has a different plan. I came here and immediately discovered that I have the coolest roommates. One in particular is really helping me come out of my box. She is amazingly outgoing and says exactly what she thinks. I am the opposite. Shy and quiet. I can already tell that she is going to get me out of my little comfortable box I have built for myself. I have only been here two weeks and have already met so many awesome people. I am excited for what is to come! I am a list maker so here is another wonderful list of amazing things I have already done while here in Pocatello.
-found the coolest ice cream place! It is now a Wednesday night tradition.
-found and awesome mountain road that I need to go explore.
-embarrassed myself without even knowing it til after....hopefully the guy was not too traumatized.
-discovered I have the coolest major ever!
-found my dream truck! Too bad someone else owns it...maybe he will let me drive it! ;)
-made several amazing friends
-ate cuban food and guava nector...yum!
Well that's all for now!